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MMA Events POSTPONED Through April 2020 -- COVID-19 Update

Dear Stakeholders,


Based on guidance issued by California Governor Gavin Newsom and the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) to protect Californians against the possible spread of COVID-19, the California State Athletic Commission (CSAC) is canceling all events through the end of April 2020. The cancellation extends to all combative sports events including those regulated by the California Amateur Mixed Martial Arts Organization (CAMO).


The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has issued guidance that certain types of gatherings be postponed or canceled to protect public health and slow the rate of COVID-19 transmission. The recommendation applies to all nonessential professional, social, and community gatherings. Additional information about COVID-19 is available online from CDPH and from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


CSAC did not take this decision lightly and understands the potential economic loss to promoters and the industry of combative sports. We echo those concerns and extend our sympathies to the athletes who were training diligently to compete and showcase their talents. Notwithstanding all of the uncertainty that abounds with the COVID-19 pandemic,  we are confident that combative sports will return to California stronger than ever and as soon as possible.


For updates, visit CSAC’s website at or .




JT Steele

